Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Poetry is the expression of one's soul

Don't you just love digging through piles of your written work from like 10 years ago? I sure do!
The best thing is reading your own work once you've completely forgotten about it. Here are two very different pieces of prose and poetry I wrote for publication in a high school literary magazine. I was never really good at coming up with titles, so I just didn't bother =)

Untitled 1 (prose):

I sat on the beach and waited...for summer to pass, and the sand to turn black.

Night after night I watched...through tranquil breeze and summer storm.

Comets blazed with Heaven's fire...buried in their ashes I stayed, and collected my thoughts.

The depths of sky have littered sparks upon the waves. Burning pyres as testaments to watery graves.

I will swim among the fires by moonlight and starlight... just to find my peace next to you.

Untitled 2 (poetry):

As we walk and talk our tunes
Of summer past and summer soon
When young hearts are a-toying
Waiting for the coming June

On summer nights and summer days
The loneliness of winter fades
The loves of spring a thing gone past
The aches of autumn approaching fast

But these hands are seldom idle
Much like many busy bees.
As they find that rare honey
And return among the trees

Once the summer didn’t stay,
Went to September right from May.
Skipped on all the summer drama,
In the world you’ve turned away

In the deep and tender night
When the fireflies take flight
I will find you here once more
Softly crying at my door

But those days are getting shorter
Soon the boys and girls will see
That summer time has come to be
And summer love has come for me


The Jaded NYer said...

My old work suck ass... but I keep it around to remind myself that I've gotten considerably better. Plus one day I plan to re-write some of those old pieces. The ideas and plots were good, but the execution was BLECH!

Pan/Thanatos said...

Yea I know what you mean. My problem was that I'd try to get so philosophical, or whatever, in my writing that it didn't even make sense anymore. Like I couldn't even picture what I was describing... which makes it just a pile of BS hahaha =)
You should definitely re-write old stuff, and blog it!

dejanae said...

to peruse ur old stuff

my current stuff aint even anything to brag about
i cringe at my old work

1/3 said...

This is pretty good considering you wrote these poems in high school. My old work..I talked about things I didnt know anything about so it sucked lol. I do have a couple of stories I might want to re write though.

Hadassah said...

Wow, nice poems. Really good considering you were in high school when you wrote it.

All my old work is back home prolly thrown into the garbage or something. I just need to revise my work more and those darn typos lol. To be a better writer.

Pan/Thanatos said...

I was a lot better at it back then, sadly. I guess I've moved on to other stuff, as we all do at some point.
You guys should definitely post your old stuff. Even if it's just for shits n' giggles.

Anonymous said...

These were my favorite find of the day...

I tend to edit myself when I re read some of the things I've written... It's hard to not smooth out the rough edges of the hard emotions that show up there sometimes. But, I do like walking down memory lane- to see if the memories have gotten a bit lighter.

Thank you for the invite- you are welcome to check out my myspace page as well...

Take care, and keep writing.


Pan/Thanatos said...

Thanks for the complement, glad you made it here =)
I don't have a myspace actually, went for Facebook instead, hehehe.
But drop me a link and I'll definitely check it out.