Saturday, March 22, 2008

"Honey, would you please walk the Goose?"

So I'm driving home this afternoon and right before I hit my corner there's an obstruction in the road. I've seen people walking all sorts of odd stuff while living in NYC. I've seen all sorts of cats, iguanas, a pig, a billy goat, ferrets, even a raccoon. But for the first time ever the dude was walking a goose! A bunch of kids gathered on either side of the street. The guy was directing the goose with occasional showers of feed thrown from his hand.
A big, white, ass-feather waggin' goose... and with no leash.

* I don't recommend anyone take pictures while driving. Especially not while maneuvering across the median. That other driver was kinda pissed. =)

Image source: Mobile phone picture.


Mizrepresent said...

lol, that is too funny! Thanks for your visit!

The Jaded NYer said...

my bad; I'll tell my uncle to keep the goose in the yard next time


That is pure craziness- was that in Brooklyn?? Where's PETA when you actually need them?? HA!

Pan/Thanatos said...

Yea, In Mill basin, right around the corner from my house.
That's your uncle? You must have one of those patchwork families. Like where every member of the family has a different mix of races and they all look different.
I love those families =)

The Jaded NYer said...

I do have one of those families... my one cousin is a redhead w/ freckles. Don't ask.

I've always maintained that Latinos, esp. from the Caribbean, are the "mutts" of society... so many different "people" make up our genetic pool!

Pan/Thanatos said...

You've got Irish in you fam?? Oh sorry, you said not to ask =)
Yep, the Caribbean diaspora it should be called.
You have all sorts of white, black, indian and native cultures mixing.
Still not like Brazil though, that place is the next step in human evolution: many ethnicities blending into just one. (I think they did that on an episode of South Park too).

Anonymous said...

That's really cool! I thought one would get busted for jay-walking on the middle of a street in the USA???

Pan/Thanatos said...

Jay walking is illegal?? You'd never know it living in the big cities. Maybe in those 20 person and 1 horse towns down in the rural areas. Then again, they probably don't have roads or traffic lights.